中新网北京11月8日电(蒋鲤) 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)近日发布分析文章指出,美国中期选举来临,但由于竞选者普遍忽视非洲裔选民需求,许多非洲裔男性选民可能会拒绝在即将到来的中期选举中投票。资料图:美国内华达州的一个投票点。长期以来,美国有色人种在很多方面被忽视、无视,甚至政治权利被侵犯。高于白人的新冠肺炎死亡率、被利用做人体试验、警察暴力执法致非洲裔死亡案件频发等,打击了他们对美国民主的信心,投票意愿降低不难预料。9月,美国全国有色人种协进会发布报告称,非洲裔男性认为种族歧视、通货膨胀、警察暴力执法是目前非洲裔群体面临的最重要问题,而近半数非洲裔男性认为本届美国政府未能满足他们的需求。不少受访者表示,“很少看到立法者做出有利于他们个人或黑人社区的决定”,所以投票兴致不高。在竞选期间,美国政客为赢得少数族裔选票,不惜开出五花八门的空头支票,但选举后就置他们的诉求于不顾。从“国会山股神”利用“内幕消息”进行股票交易,到总统和议员席位竞选用金钱铺路,成功上位意味着政客们能为自己和背后的利益集团获得更多利益,因此,选举更像生意,任何竞选承诺都显得微不足道。美国引以为傲的民选体制一直忽视少数族裔的利益。这种所谓的民主不仅不能满足他们的正当诉求,相反,还一直挤压其政治空间,限制他们的政治参与权。今年4月,全美城市联盟发布关于非裔美国人状况年度报告,仅在2021年,全美就有20个州重新划分国会选区地图,新地图“剥夺了非洲裔美国人和其他有色人种社区的投票权”。同时,多州立法使少数族裔选民更难投票。美国民间组织“量刑项目”(The Sentencing Project)一份报告显示,许多州设置的投票限制对非洲裔影响较大。在全美,每19名非洲裔选民中就有1人被剥夺选举权,这一比例较其他肤色美国选民更高,甚至接近4倍。美国鼓吹人人得享不可剥夺的生存、自由和追求幸福的权利,标榜“开放”和“包容”,但差别待遇等种族歧视的阴影一直笼罩着少数族裔。政客们不仅没有弥合种族鸿沟,反而将少数族裔当成自己政治角力的工具,这无助于实现真正的民主,相反,只会使种族歧视等社会问题进一步恶化,加剧美国社会分裂。
Minority groups neglected in 'chaotic' midterm elections
(ECNS) -- A CNN report said political analysts worry that some Black men will stay home on Nov. 8 due to politicians ignoring the issues of African Americans.For a long time, colored Americans have been ignored in many aspects, and even their political rights have been violated. The higher death rate of COVID-19 than whites, being used for human experiments, and the frequent deaths of African Americans caused by police brutality, etc. have hit their confidence in American democracy, decreasing their willingness to vote.According to a report released by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in September, Black men believe racism, inflation, and police brutality are the most important issues. The survey also concluded that 41 percent of Black men disapproved of the job the current U.S. government is doing for the Black community.Most said they vote in elections but rarely see lawmakers making decisions that help Black people or their communities.Candidates make promises in order to gain votes from U.S. ethnic minorities, but ignore their demands after election. Both insider trading by members of Congress or money-manipulated President and Congress member elections mean winning elections simply benefit participants and the interest groups behind them. Elections are like business while campaign promises remain insignificant.The U.S. electoral system has long neglected the interests of minority groups. It not only fails to solve their issues but also tries to hinder their political participation.In 2021, 20 states redrew the congressional map, which has deprived the voting rights of African Americans and other minority communities, as reported by the National Urban League in its annual report on the State of Black America published in April. Meanwhile, legislation in some states makes it ever more difficult for African Americans and other minorities to vote.In addition, a report from The Sentencing Project found that state-level voting bans have a disproportionate impact on Black and Latino voters. According to the report, "One in 19 African Americans of voting age is disenfranchised, a rate 3.5 times that of non-African Americans."Although the U.S. boasts that every American is equal to live, enjoy liberty and pursue happiness, and keeps telling the world it is inclusive and open, the shadow of racial discrimination continues to loom.Politicians fail to bridge the racial divide, but use minority groups as a tool for their elections, which fails to realize true democracy. On the contrary, it will only worsen social problems like racial discrimination and aggravate the division of American society.