



解放军报记者 欧灿 费世廷 尹航 王天一


▲2018年10月25日上午,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平到南部战区视察调研。这是习近平同驻粤部队副师级以上领导干部亲切会见。记者周朝荣 摄








国强必强军,强军必改革。人民军队的发展史,就是一部改革创新史。 40年来,人民军队经过多次精简改组,以打破司令部制、军区制、大陆军队制。时代裁减部队30万……伴随着国家改革开放的伟大进程,军队改革着力建设中国特色军事力量体系,完善中国特色社会主义军事体系,解放和发展战斗力,解放和增强军队活力,对外开放人民军队有了新体制、新结构、新格局、新面貌。











党中央对我军建设的指导思想由此开始了战略转变,从以“早打、大打、核战”为基础的战前准备状态向和平时期建设的轨道转变. 100 万人的解除武装震惊了仍处于冷战状态的世界。


在这一战略思想的指导下,1997年9月,中共中央宣布三年内裁减50万军职。 2003年9月,党中央决定在2005年前再裁减部队20万人。






习主席两次主持中共中央政治局集体学习,主持中央军委改革领导小组3次会议,听取有关大单位改革意见和建议多次亲临,并亲自组织研究重大改革问题。 2015年7月29日,中共中央政治局常务委员会正式批复《深化国防和军队改革总体方案》。一套解决深层次矛盾、有重大创新突破、体现人民军队特色的改革设计破茧而出。


2015年11月末,中央军委改革工作会议在北京召开,我军力量、深度和广度的全面革命性变化在我军历史上是前所未有的。领导指挥体制改革率先启动,着力破除体制障碍,确立新军事体制“四梁八柱”;一年后,全军规模、结构和兵力构成改革全面启动,着力解决结构性矛盾,实现了军队体制的彻底变革;今年11月中旬,中央军委政策体制改革工作会议召开,重点解决政策问题,部署推进军事政策体制改革。 “三大攻坚战”接连、联动、推进,军队改革朝着全面胜利的目标迈出了决定性的一步。







这一年,在邓小平老一辈革命家的直接推动下,一场关于真理标准的大讨论席卷全中国。 《解放军报》在短短几个月内发表了100多篇文章,带领全体官兵大发雷霆。人民军队的思想桎梏,恢复和发扬实事求是的优良传统,为人民军队进入新的发展时期做好思想准备。



今年,在习主席和中央军委统一部署下,全军积极开展战斗力标准研讨。 “我军的根本职能是打仗,战斗力的标准是军队建设的唯一根本标准。”习主席把军事训练和备战作为重塑军队的战略抓手,带领全军聚焦备战和战争的主体责任。军队工作的重点和职能的真正回归,为我军全面革命变革奠定了坚实的思想基础。





进入21世纪,一些过时观念的桎梏依然摆在我军面前:我们每天都在呼唤战争,但我们却常常以不打仗的心态备战;当我们谈制度的时候,其实往往是指“村村落火,户户起烟”;谈了多年的同盟,还是离不开“大陆军”思想和狭隘的军事观念。 ..

2016年元旦刚过,习主席在改革启动后首次视察部队时就提出了深刻的观点:“改革是一场革命,这场革命既是制度性的,也是思想性的。”他认真的说道。 ,要坚持解放思想,与时俱进,并行变革,主动进行思想革命,解放一切陈旧观念、固有模式、路径依赖,防止穿新鞋走旧路径和采取新的。瓶装旧酒。







今天,面对进入深水区的国防和军队改革,习主席下达了如山的命令:“越是艰难,越要坚定意志,勇往直前。 ,敢踏险滩,就没有过不去的火山!”












改革不是改变方向,改变不是改变颜色。 1986年,中央军委扩大会议通过《关于新时代军队政治工作的决定》; 1999年,全军政治工作会议通过《关于改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济条件下全军思想政治建设若干问题的决定》; 2014年古田全军政治工作会议通过《关于新形势下全军政治工作若干问题的决定》……看三个《决定》,党对军队的绝对领导是一条贯穿它们的恒定红线。













变得更瘦。 100万美元的裁军,三个指挥部牵头,人员编制减少近一半; 1997年裁减部队50万人,撤出部分指挥部、军区和军械机关二级部门。在新一轮国防和军队改革中,中央军委人员减少了三分之一。


变得更加面向未来。未来的战斗是各军兵种的联合作战。 2003年,在军队进行精简整编时,我军成立了联合作战指挥机构,开始探索联合作战。新一轮改革完善了军委联合作战指挥机构,建立了战区联合作战指挥机构,建立了平战结合、运行正常、主业专精、精干高效的新型联合作战指挥体系建立新的联合后勤保障体系,弥补了人民军联合作战指挥体系的最后一个短板。









减少现役并增加文职工作。 Thirteen years ago, our army began to implement the civilian personnel system, and some security positions were held by non-active duty personnel. In the new round of reform, the number of active duty posts in non-combat agencies has been reduced by nearly half, a unified civilian personnel system has been established, the scope of civilian personnel allocation has been further expanded, and more troops have been put into combat positions.

Reduce "officials" and keep "soldiers". Soldiers are the basic component of combat effectiveness, and a scientific and reasonable ratio of officers and soldiers is crucial to improving combat effectiveness. After the million-dollar disarmament, 76 positions were changed from officers to non-commissioned officers, and the ratio of officers and soldiers dropped significantly. After a new round of reforms, the number of officers has been reduced by 30%, and the ratio of officers and soldiers has been further optimized.

At the same time, more "addition and subtraction methods" are also being carried out in various fields of military construction: the number of colleges and universities in the entire army and the armed police force has been reduced from 77 to 43, and a new military personnel training system has been established; the establishment of the Military Commission for Science and Technology The committee readjusted the layout of military scientific research forces and formed an "aircraft carrier formation" to set sail; the Central Military-Civilian Integration Development Committee was established, and military-civilian integration was elevated to a national strategy. More and more "20" series of new weapons and equipment have been successfully developed, and the elimination of old equipment has accelerated.

This is a way of optimizing and reshaping forces

If it is said that the reform of the leadership and command system is "changing the chessboard", then the reform of the scale, structure and force composition is "moving the chess pieces". The same chess pieces, with different layouts, generate vastly different energy.

In the past 40 years, a series of grand military parades have witnessed the changes and development of the people's army.

In the 1984 National Day military parade, airborne troops, armed police and other troops appeared in the parade team for the first time. Among the 47 phalanxes, the number of mechanized phalanxes exceeded half. Riding the spring breeze of reform and opening up, the army has been transforming into mechanization.

In the 1999 National Day military parade, the Marine Corps, the Army Air Corps... a new army of powerful troops made a mighty appearance, and there were only 2 infantry phalanxes among the 52 phalanxes. In the face of the new wave of military reform, the army has accelerated its transformation from manpower-intensive to technology-intensive.

In the 2009 National Day military parade, the communication troops and drone teams first appeared in the National Day ceremony, and the new medium and long-range missiles and other major powers lined up with long swords. Focusing on winning local wars under the conditions of informatization, new growth points of the people's army's combat effectiveness continue to emerge.

▲On the morning of July 30, 2017, a military parade celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was held at the Zhurihe Joint Training Base.

For the 90th anniversary military parade in 2017, 34 ground squadrons and air echelons were arranged on the battlefield according to combat formations, and newly formed troops such as strategic support troops made a new appearance. Looking forward to the future battlefield, the new focus of the people's army construction, such as information-led, system-supported, elite combat, and joint victory, is more clear.

The parade ground is just a microcosm of the continuous reform and reshaping of the People's Army.

Today, the proportion of our army's army in the total army staff has dropped below 50% for the first time, and the "continental army" system has been broken; correspondingly, strategic early warning, high sea defense, long-range strike, strategic delivery, information Support and other new combat forces have been enriched and strengthened.

Today, the Army's 18 armies have been restructured into 13 armies. The name of the group army has not changed, but the internal organization has been turned upside down. Since our army formed a combined army in the 1980s, the army's combined level has shifted from army to brigade to battalion, and a full, combined, multi-functional and flexible troop formation has been gradually formed.

The historical responsibility of the mission

▲Data Map


Reform, in the final analysis, is self-revolution.

At the beginning of the new round of national defense and military reforms, President Xi warned the entire army that the army must keep up with the pace of the central government, and resolutely promote various reforms of the army with the spirit of opening roads every mountain and building bridges when encountering rivers. Everyone must have such a historical responsibility.

The choice is righteous, go to see Dan Xin. In the 40 years of reform and opening up, every major reform of the people's army is inseparable from the historical responsibility of loyalty and mission, and is accompanied by unrelenting sacrifice and dedication.

Deng Xiaoping said: "Disarmament is something that offends people, so let me offend, and don't hand over the conflict to the new chairman of the Central Military Commission." He also instructed the senior military generals: How to subtract, please come up with ideas, I only talk about the headquarters taking the lead.

He Zhengwen, the "chief swordsman" and then deputy chief of staff of the million-scale disarmament, first mobilized his four children to take off their military uniforms. The demonstration effect of senior cadres has become a powerful driving force for disarmament.

Reform and strengthen the army, not only the "muscles" of the army, but also the "shoulders" of the soldiers. In the face of the "reform pains" of withdrawing, downgrading and reforming, and facing the "ideological shock" of advancing, retreating and staying, whether or not to face the challenge and take responsibility is the touchstone to test the loyalty and responsibility of revolutionary soldiers.

In this round of reforms, when the last military salute was paid to the military flag, Wu Pengcheng, the former deputy commander of a regiment of the 31st Army, could not help but burst into tears. These tears are not only reluctance for the barracks and comrades in arms, but also guilt for his father Wu Haijin.

More than 20 years ago, in order to support the reform and development of the army, Wu Haijin, who was then a division commander, took off his military uniform and pinned his military dream on his only son, Wu Pengcheng. His son is also very upbeat, and has won the third-class meritorious service 8 times, and was also named "outstanding staff officer of the whole army".

"I originally hoped that my son would work in the army for a lifetime to make up for my regrets, but I didn't expect that he would also encounter reforms. At the moment of reform, staying and staying are all contributions, and real soldiers must withstand this test." Wu Haijin is his son pleased with the choice.

Two generations of soldiers used their silent "turning around" in exchange for the "transformation" of the people's army.

"If it's a small profit, why don't you wear a levy." Every time the military reforms, there are countless soldiers like the Wu family and their sons, who have a position to work hard, adapt as soon as possible when changing positions, and resolutely obey when they are not. To stay is to support reform, and to leave is also to support reform!

In the face of reform and adjustment, even though there are all kinds of reluctance and nostalgia in my heart, when that day really comes, there will be no noise.

In the early 1980s, officers and soldiers of the 8th Railway Division of the Railway Corps who were fighting on the construction site of Luan into Tianjin suddenly received an order to "transfer jobs collectively". The officers and soldiers went all out to "write the last page of the glorious history for the railway soldiers", completed the task of diverting water through mountains and waters 3 months ahead of schedule, and created the "spirit of diverting water" that caused a sensation across the country.

In 1998, a division of the Jinan Military Region had decided to withdraw its staff. After receiving the order to fight the flood in the Yangtze River in Hubei, the officers and soldiers devoted themselves to the rescue.

In this round of reforms, as the first army-level unit to be relocated due to reforms, the former 27th Group Army was ordered to station in Taiyuan, a few hundred kilometers away. Not long after they settled down, another order came, and the group army faced new adjustment and reform. No matter whether it is transferred, withdrawn and relegated, or transferred to another post, transferred to another job or demobilized, officers and soldiers can go wherever they need to, pack up their backpacks and set off again.

▲A certain army unit is on its way to defense. Data Map

"Iron soldiers in a running water camp". From the Guanzhong Plain to the Northwest Desert, from the Land of Abundance to the Snowy Plateau, from the Jiangnan Water Village to the Lingnan Mountains... In the new round of reform, with the diversion, adjustment, transfer, and transfer, how many heroic troops have left the prosperous cities and moved to remote villages and towns? Warm-blooded soldiers bid farewell to their parents, wives and children and go to a strange distance.

Almost all the cadres of the army organs in the southern theater are from different places, and almost all of them live in two or even three or four places with their family members and the elderly. In the transitional camp, the family members of a regiment cadre were unable to move out, and "the father of the doll in the courtyard is in the distance, and the father of the doll in the distance is in the courtyard" has become a special scene.

Different ages, same choices. A grain of sand and a drop of water are but a drop in the ocean in the torrent of history; a person and a family are but a wave in the tide of reform. But it is every soldier who has handed in excellent reform answers that the army can stand the test of the times; it is the hard work and dedication of every soldier that has created the brilliance of the army and shaped the future of the army.

The journey is long and full of trials and tribulations.

On the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, President Xi declared to the world on the turbulent South China Sea: "China's reforms and opening-up will not stop, and China will surely have new and greater miracles that will impress the world."

We firmly believe that under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the reform and strengthening of the army and the people's army will surely create "new and greater miracles that will impress the world".